Thursday, July 9, 2009

Houston Striders Novelty Run

The annual Houston Striders Novelty Run is set for Sunday, July 12th, at Terry Hershey Park (north side entrance), with check-in at 7:00AM and the relay start at 8:00AM.

This very creative format consists of a 4 x 1 Mile predicton relay and focuses not on speed, but about which team predicts their closest finishing time. There will be plenty of breakfast tacos and refreshments on hand.
Now, for the relay rules -
  • No watches, Garmins, heart rate monitors, phones, iphones, sun dials - anything that will give a runner some idea of what pace they are running
  • The incoming runner CANNOT see their finish time

  • The outgoing runner CAN see their start time and is allowed to adjust pace accordingly - if they can

No bibs, no time recording, no age-grading, but hopefully a lot of fun and a different sort of competitive challenge and an excuse to party afterwards.